Hey Coaches and Consultants, are you ready to take your Presentations from Zero to Clients in 5 Days?

Finally! Public Speaking training that is designed to get you actual Clients... not more compliments like, "Hey, great talk!"

The next Craft Your Keynote intensive starts on March 18, 2024

The deadline to register for this session is:








Join Today

Does this sound familiar?

Hey Coaches, Consultants, and Authors — are you getting plenty of “compliments” after you do the Public Speaking thing, but then you’re not actually getting clients…?

When your presentation is over, are you tired of hearing things like:

‣ “Hey! Great talk!”

‣ “Wow! Thanks for sharing such great info!”…?

‣ “You were the best speaker at our event!”…?

You finish that talk, and you’re compliment-rich; right?

Your ego feels great, but then…

(as you shake your hands to the heavens: ARGHHH?!?!)

Look — you already know that Public Speaking is the best way for you to grow and scale your coaching and consulting business… but if your speaking isn't getting clients, then it’s time to craft a keynote that actually converts.

Wouldn’t it be better (and more thrilling) if you actually started getting prospects and clients AFTER every talk you give?

Just imagine this moment (after your next presentation):

Instead of people saying, “Hey! Great Talk!”…

...What if your ideal prospects came up to you and said, “What you said was what I’ve been feeling for so long; how do I work with you?”

How would that feel?


Public Speaking is the best way for you to convert quickly

That’s right. Offering a Signature Talk (aka: Presentation, Keynote, Public Speaking, Speech, et al) is the fastest way to:

  • Reach your ideal potential prospects
  • Connect and convert more clients
  • Quickly scale your business

Think about it: when public speaking, you have 10-, 20-, 30-, even 50-minutes or more to talk directly to your prospects and clients...

There’s an old saying: “People buy from people they Know, Like, and Trust.”

And nowadays, there’s a 2.0 version of that saying: “People buy from people they see as an EXPERT.”

When you speak from the stage, you have the opportunity to hit all those checkmarks:

âś“ They get to Know you quickly
âś“ They decide if they Like you at an accelerated rate
âś“ They can easily build Trust if your talk is authentic and confident
âś“ And... when you have a presentation that connects deeply with them, they see you as an EXPERT

Plus!! — and this is probably the most important thing — having a great signature talk is the fastest way for the audience to learn how you can help THEM.

That’s what they ultimately want anyway; right?

They want help with their problem. They are looking for someone (perhaps you?) who can help them break through to the next level in their lives — whether that’s health, wealth, relationships, mindset, business — They. Want. Help.

And that’s the best kind of presentation: a talk that helps the listener/audience get a breakthrough in their life!

And you can learn how to create a Signature Talk that will do just that!

And no... you don’t have to be a “natural” at Public Speaking

I hear it from coaches and consultants all the time: some people are just “Born Speakers.

NOPE! That simply ain’t true. 

Speaking is a skill.
It can be learned.
It can be honed.
It can be mastered

Nearly every great speaker you’ve ever listened to has sharpened their skills over time.

And here’s the real secret  Ugg, I’m probably gonna get in trouble for sharing this with you but the secret is that it’s not that hard to learn the principles of creating powerful presentations.

And NOPE, the best speakers are not necessarily extroverts either. Extroverts, ambiverts, introverts... personality type has little to do with great speaking.

As a matter of fact, I would contend that introverts can be better public speakers than extroverts.

Why do I say that?

Well, because introverts are more empathetic. They better understand how to create deeper emotional connections. They can read non-verbal cues, which enables them to know how to better read an audience.

And NOPE, being a great speaker has nothing to do with how gorgeous your slides are, how many jokes you can tell, or how mellifluous your voice is (how’s “mellifluous” for a $3 word?)

Great speaking all comes down to a few basic skills that you can learn

To be a truly great speaker, you just need to know the basics of great presentations, and then you work to sharpen those basic skills.

And by “great,” I mean the kind of speaker that people don’t say, “That was a wonderful presentation!” ...instead, people say, “Wow! How do I work with you?

And no, the basics aren’t technique things like eliminating pauses and filler words such as, “Umm,” “Like,” and “Sooo”...

The basics are:

  • Full-proof principles for creating a powerful structure so you can feel confident and know that your talking points are as strong as possible.
  • Learning communication techniques that expertly blend right-brain (creative) and left-brain (analytic) thinking styles so you can connect with the widest audience possible.
  • Compelling storytelling so you can share experiences that will increase empathy and emotional connection with the audience.

The basics are all about creating an atmosphere of emotion and trust.

The basics get more people to say, “Wow! How do I work with you?

The basics can be learned.

And... you can learn those basics in 5 days.
(cue the sound of chickens clucking, “Buh-gawk!”)

Yup, you read that right: you can learn the basics in 5 days.

Just imagine if you could get rid of things like having to do the pre-networking pep talks in your car mirror because you can get on stage and get people who start seeking you out to work with you.

Just imagine building the Know, Like, and Trust factors along with establishing your EXPERT positioning for dozens of prospects all at once.

Just imagine scaling your business and increasing your impact with one talk.

Just imagine sharing your passion and your expertise and actually getting clients from it... all without having to “act like an extrovert.”

Just imagine doing all this in only 5 days in a live, small-group setting that is supportive, creative, and perfectly curated for Introvert Entrepreneurs.


Introducing the 5-Day Craft Your Keynote Intensive!

The 5-Day Craft Your Keynote Intensive was created for Introvert Entrepreneurs — coaches, consultants, authors, etc. — to give them a place to create their Signature Talks.

Whether you’re just getting started with public speaking and need to build your first outline, or whether you’re “punching up” a previously-used talk to increase conversions, this 5-Day workshop is for you.

Remember: great speaking comes down to the basics...

...and here's the basics we'll cover during the Intensive:

→ DISCOVER the one template you need for creating powerful presentations so you don't have to recreate the wheel over-and-over every time you speak.

→ DEFINE your audience and the messaging that resonates with them so that the audience feels more drawn to you.

→ DEVELOP emotional language and metaphors that will connect with the widest audience possible so that you increase your chances of conversion.

→ DESIGN the outline of your Signature Talk!

The process is so simple.

Step-by-step, you’ll develop your topic and your outline within a framework that lets you feel more comfortable and confident. You’ll also get real-time feedback from the group and from me…

The next Craft Your Keynote intensive starts on March 18, 2024

The deadline to register for this session is:








Join Today

I should probably introduce myself at this point

Hello there! My name is Dallas Amsden, and I have over 30 years of experience in public speaking. As a professionally trained performer with tens-of-thousands of hours on stage and camera, I’ve spoken everywhere  Fortune 500 companies, schools, churches, stand-up comedy and everything in between  I know how to take the stage and hold the audience.

I also have nearly 10 years experience as a writer, director, and producer in video marketing. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients across diverse industries to help them craft stories and messaging designed to grow their market share and increase conversions.

I love powerful, clear, and compelling communication, and if a story needs to be told, I love to make it happen.

My wife jokes that I never met a microphone I didn’t love...

...but I’m also an extreme Introvert.

When people see me on stage or delivering a talk or doing stand-up, they don’t believe that I’m an Introvert, but I’m the guy in that car outside the networking event, pumping myself up to go inside and shake hands with more strangers. I’m the guy who says, “Okay; I’ll be ON while I need to be on... but I’m gonna need some MAJOR alone time after this!

I don’t get my energy from the crowds. I need a lot of alone time. 

BUT... I have also learned that speaking from stages is the most powerful marketing I can do for my business. When I speak from a mic, I convert prospects into clients.

It’s my superpower... AND... more importantly, it’s also a superpower that I know how to teach others like you!

The Craft Your Keynote system works for everyone

Aaron H. (Health Coach):

The process was fun. The program exceeded my expectations. Dallas went above and beyond in getting to know me, and he helped guide me so that my personality would really be reflected in my presentation.

Marie G.P. (Business Mindset Coach):

Dallas helped me to focus and prioritize where I want to go and how I was going to get there. Dallas is the coach of coaches!

Teresa C. (Special Education Consultant):

If you can’t deliver a talk that's heartfelt, then it doesn’t matter. The training allowed me to be me, and the small group training created a safe space where I felt I could try anything.

Maggie P. (Copywriter):

Dallas made the process simple. I was very much looking forward to having a keynote. That was the promise I wanted him to deliver on... and he did.

Tamarah W. (Author):

I discovered things about myself and my ability as a speaker that I never knew existed. In just a short time, Dallas helped me uncover gifts and growth in myself.

Are you ready to let your magic shine and convert more clients?

You have a genius inside you. You have a magic that you — and only YOU — can bring into the world. And sharing that magic from the microphone is the best way to let your genius come into the world to the most people.

I said it earlier, but I’ll say it again: someone is waiting for you.

People. Want. Help. They want help with their problem. They are looking for someone (perhaps you?) who can help them break through to the next level in their lives — whether that’s health, wealth, relationships, mindset, business — they want a breakthrough.

Don’t shrink back anymore. Let your passion, your genius, your magic — let it shine.

The 5-Day Craft Your Keynote Intensive removes the complication from designing your Signature Talk.

In the workshop, you’ll develop your outline, which will include identifying your target audience, your call-to-action, as well as the techniques that emotionally resonate with your ideal prospects.

Plus!... you’ll be able to use the template again-and-again as you hone your craft and expand your skills and your topics as a speaker.

You’re officially invited to join us for the 5-Day Craft Your Keynote Intensive

As you’ve been reading this, you might be feeling that nod in your head, that nudge in your soul, that swell of emotion. You might even be thinking things like, “Yes! I know that public speaking is the next stage of my business! Yes! I need to do this!”

...but, at the same time, you’re probably wondering, “Sooo… what’s this going to cost, Dallas?”

Fair question.

And truthfully? Not nearly as much as you might think.

Let me ask you this: what is the value to your business if you were to get just ONE new client out of a speaking gig?

Most of the coaches and consultants that I work with sell their products, programs, and services anywhere from $3k to $15k.

Imagine just getting one client –– just one –– from each speaking engagement. What would that be worth to you?

And here’s the cool thing about the intensive: you only have to do the work to develop your talk once, and then you can deliver your keynote again and again and again.

What happens when you start to give that same talk over-and-over, sharing your passion, and getting better and better at it every time you present it? What does it feel like when you’re getting two, three, four people to sign up to work with you after each talk

What would that be worth to you? Would that be a game-changer for you and your business?

Design it once.
Deliver it over-and-over.
Sign up clients.
That’s the idea.

Your investment for the Craft Your Keynote Intensive is only $777.

 And again, with that investment, here's what you'll receive:

→ 5-Days live training with feedback on your speech as you build it. 

→ The easy-to-use template that you can use from now until forever.

→ Small group training to increase the feedback loop.

Honestly, any ONE of these things could be a game-changer for you!

People have paid me up to $25k per keynote for this, and you’re getting it for a fraction of the price.

And again, you have to ask yourself, what the value of ONE new client is worth to you? What are TWO new clients worth? What are EVEN MORE new clients worth? And, can you accelerate that process by having a ready-made keynote that is designed to convert?

Why is it such a low price for all that value? 

Like I said earlier: I’m passionate about clear, effective communication. I believe it’s the key to success, and I love seeing when it happens.

When a great speaker is communicating their passion and their expertise, and when I see the proverbial light bulb turn on in the eyes of the audience  WOOO! That ignites my soul!! 

I’m also passionate about helping more Introvert Entrepreneurs bring their genius and their magic to the world... but, not everyone is ready to deliver a $25k keynote.

However, with my help, they can be ready to speak to their community, their networking group, their church, and their tribe.

So, I have made a decision: I can reduce the investment for this training by offering this 5-Day Intensive as a group workshop. With a group format, I can help more coaches and consultants reach more people with their magic without having to take on 1-1 clients.

What you do is amazing, but the one thing that COULD be holding you back and improving the world is not understanding how to best develop and deliver your Signature Talk.

Are you ready to take your coaching business to the next level?

Look, if you’re ready to start getting clients on a more steady stream with just a couple public speaking engagements, then what are you waiting for?

For the low investment of $888 and in just 5 short days, you’ll DISCOVER the 1 template you need for creating powerful presentations, you’ll DEFINE your audience and the messaging that resonates with them, you’ll DEVELOP emotional language that will resonate with both left-brain and right-brain audiences, and most importantly, you’ll DESIGN the outline for your 50-minute Signature Talk!

There’s never a better time than now.

Join us for the next group that is forming now.

Click the button below.

The next Craft Your Keynote intensive starts on March 18, 2024

The deadline to register for this session is:








Sign Up Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a great question, and it’s one I get all the time. Focusing on those techniques is an Outside-In approach, but the truth is, having rigid techniques and being over-rehearsed does not make you a better speaker.

The 5-Day Craft Your Keynote Intensive focuses on an Inside-Out approach. By that, I mean that we focus on your passion and your expertise and put that into a structure and outline that helps you connect with the audience on a deeper level.

The surface stuff such as pacing and filler-word techniques takes care of themselves when you’re confidently speaking from your passion.

While there are other programs I offer that cover things like this, we won’t have time during the 5-Day Intensive to cover building slides.

However, a great talk has nothing to do with having pretty Slides, or the amount of “Umms” you say, and it certainly isn’t about giving a ton of great information during your talk.

During the Intensive, you will learn the basic structure of great talks, and you will focus on creating an outline that resonates with your ideal audience — and that has nothing to do with slides.

Communication skills are one of the biggest keys to your success in business. Delivering a powerful Signature Talk is the fastest way to get new clients.

Talking about the service and breakthrough you provide actually helps you build confidence around yourself and your product/services. The more confident you feel in presenting yourself or your ideas, the more you will connect with — and sell to — your ideal client.

During the five days, the daily group session lasts approximately two hours each day. In each of those two hour sessions, there will be some training as well as times for every attendee to present elements of their outline to the group for feedback.

There will be a little bit of homework after each sessionprobably about an hour or so each day. It will be an intense five days of content creation for you, but it will be well worth the time!


50% Complete

Two Step

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